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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Looking At Natural Gas to Replace Gasoline

Rush Limbaugh is wrong when he says there is no substitute for oil. Natural gas is a cheap and easy substitute. In the video below a car is converted to burn both gasoline and natural gas for the price of $1000. Maybe its not really convent to convert your present car to burn natural gas but view the video to see just how simply it would be for auto maker to produce a duel fuel powered car. Ideally the natural gas tank would be under the car as is a normal gas tank. Perhaps the manufacturer would only want to provide a small gasoline tank, two to four gallons, just enough to get you to the next natural gas filling station. In the video a switch is installed to disable the fuel injectors and the natural gas is fed in through the air intake.

The Bush administration fell in love with the futuristic hydrogen car and the Obama administration has opted for the backward looking electric car. Yes backward looking. The Studebaker proved that electric motors and batteries were not a sane alternative to the internal combustion engine. It's not that the country need a smarter energy policy; it needs no energy policy. The the country's dependence on foreign oil coincides with the establishment and expansion of the Department of Energy.

Of course critics will point out that there are very few natural gas fuel stations. To that I say that second only to water natural gas is the most widely distributed commodity on the planet. If you live in an urban area outside the northeast chances are you are within two hundred feet of a gas main. If the cars are manufactured the stations will be there. There are already more natural gas stations than there are public electric charging stations.

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