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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The idolatry continues: does anyone really think Dems are the party of fiscal responsibility?

  Well, I watched it all the way through last night until Michelle Obama came on and then I passed out, just as her glossy lips began to utter words of adoration for the Almighty One, the cult of Obama.
  I'm a partisan; that's for sure. I can only evaluate through my conservative lens. I also despise scripted clap trap about how great someone is (Romney or Obama), repeated adoration of one's political party and stories designed to make people cry.
  There was some of that last week at the RNC; my objection to many of the speakers wasn't so much the above criticisms but the boringness of some of the political speakers who seemed very excited to be saying what they were saying where they were saying it but had little original or interesting to offer. 
  The two stories about Mitt helping people were moving and enlightening; Ann Romney is obviously a great admirer of her husband and I enjoyed her speech. She seemed like an excited schoolgirl now and then.
  Most stirring were speeches by Ryan, by Rubio, by Mia Love, Artur Davis but above all, Condoleezza Rice when she talked about being a small girl not allowed to go to a movie theater rising to become Secretary of State. 
  The evenings were filled with inspiration and *HOPE*, positive and uplifting; Clint Eastwood's clever performance was a delight.
  Sorry, but I just didn't get that from last night's meeting, where the focus was so often abortion, what a monster Mitt Romney is because he's a successful businessman, how women *REALLY CAN* be successful (demeaning) and how perfect *BARACKOBAMA* is.
  Though surely the crowd loved it, Ted Strickland's mean-spirited nasty yelling had to be a lowlight. 
  It was the same ole, same ole, with the usual ramped up adoration of a man who is far from perfect and the demonization of anyone conservative.
  Then there were the outright lies: Democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility?
  These people are delusional.
  And now the Democrats are claiming the video that declares "we all belong to government" wasn't made by them! wasn't made by the DNC! wasn't made by Obama For America! Was made by the city of Charlotte. Or something. So just quit your "faux outrage," Mitt Romney.
  Does anyone think this is true? That the tightly scripted hours of last night had a movie sneak in that none of them knew about or endorsed?
  Claiming Republicans lie when many of your own complaints about them are complete lies is, well, a conundrum.


  1. Remember when the Dems were the fun party and the Republicans were a bunch of fuddy duds? Now the Dems are a vast cult of misery and life itself is but one more burden George Bush has afflicted upon the middle class.

  2. Yeah, that's an interesting (and funny) point. They have all the movie stars and glamorous people but those people aren't in government! Think about it. Why would you focus so much of your convention around such empty headed ditzes? I mean, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES? It's sort of an embarrassing statement about the state of the Democrat party today.
