I've long thought that Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, and Kathleen Sebilius were the Obama version of Charlie's Angels, three tough mind women who would gladly go to hell for the commander-in-chief. Hillary and Janet have left the administration to pursue other goals leaving only sister Kate to prop up the facade of competence in an administration that measures success by the number of people on public assistance. Now, the pride of the Queen City is beginning to hear subtle hints that she should leave. Former White House spokesman, the ever truthful and candid Robert Gibbs says that heads should roll over the “excruciatingly embarrassing” debut of healthcare.gov. That was for public consumption but one must wonder if privately well placed Democrats both in Congress and the administration might be suggesting to Kitty Gilligan to check out the fabulous prices Amazon.com has on hari kari knives.

In fairness to the secretary it should be pointed out that there have been far fewer complaints about the Obamacare website
now that people have quit going there. Yeah, no one goes there anymore; it's too crowded. Supposedly sloppily written code is to blame for the less than auspicious rollout. Ironically this criticism comes from the same people who wrote the incoherent law. Sure Obamacare is a mess but grading on the curve Sebilius is the Obama administration's valedictorian. Unlike Biden we have never questioned her sobriety. Unlike Holder she has never been caught in perjury. Unlike Panetta she has never inadvertently divulged state secrets. No one under her authority has been killed in the line of duty, unlike her sisters' Benghazi and Fast and Furious debacles. Hey this girl is top shelf!
And as far as we know, she's not a tax cheat.