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Obama countdown

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Obama's troubles mulitiply because of poor decisions

  Well, Barack Hussein Obama's trade chickens are already coming home to roost.
  After trying to pull a craven political stunt to get the VA story and other scandals off the front page, Obama's dude boys and girls have committed even more egregious blunders.
  And now Cuba is demanding that the US government trade a prisoner they hold for Cuban operatives in the US.
  What country will be next?
  Jenn Psaki poo poos the idea of getting the decorate Marine out of a Mexican jail. Not the same thing, she nasally declares, looking down her nose at the sitting journalists. Any other questions?

  Obama broke his own law by trading 5 terrorists, including 2 men who are wanted by even the UN for war crimes. I mean, if even the UN wants these guys...
  Sending the clueless Susan Rice out to claim Bergdahl, who pretty much made an absolute fool of herself and the administration yet again by claiming that Bergdahl was a POW (not true), served his country with "honor and distinction,"  and that it was a sacred obligation for this country to never leave a man behind.
   The problem is pretty much everyone believes Bergdahl is a deserter considering he left a note saying essentially this and the Pentagon has a huge file on him.
  Bergdahl converted to Islam and was helping with bomb making, presumably to kill his former fellow soldiers.
  In fact, after losing either 6 or 14 soldiers looking for Bergdahl, those soldiers were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements agreeing not to reveal that they had looked for him. There are even rumors that soldiers were given instructions to kill Bergdahl on sight because he was a collaborator.
  Eventually the Pentagon gave up on looking for him, having never listed him as a POW.
  And really, how does it make sense that the al Haqqani terrorist faction, a "heavily criminal enterprise" whose goal is to "so chaose," would actually keep a prisoner for five years, knowing that the US doesn't didn't negotiate with terrorists? 
  Why wouldn't they just have killed him? Can you say Nick Berg?
  This hasn't exactly pleased the rest of the world Obama so much admires; even the Chinese are making fun of him and his witlessness.
  So Obama was again in front of the cameras declaring that this country never leaves a man behind. This is cynical, considering that he does leave men behind and he's just trying to get the whole Benghazi thing behind him so he can claim, "See? I always do the right thing."
  I think he honestly thought people would love this maneuver.

  But for me one of the most abhorrent moments of this whole thing is Obama's appearing with Bergdahl's parents, as if Bergdahl were a war hero returning home, and allowing that freakin' looney Bob Bergdahl to stand in front of the cameras and praise Allah.
  Obama understood what he was saying.
  Here's the interpretation from Allen West:
“What none of these media is reporting is that the father’s (SGT Bowe Bergdahl’s father Bob) first words at the WH were in Arabic – those words were “bism allah alrahman alraheem” – which means “in the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful” – these are the opening words of every chapter of the Qur’an except one (the chapter of the sword – the 9th) – by uttering these words on the grounds of the WH, Bergdahl (the father) sanctified the WH and claimed it for Islam. There is no question but POTUS knows this.”
  Bergdahl's praise to Allah was followed by a hug from Obama, who is rumored to wear a ring saying essentially the same. Whether this rumor is true or not (and it is probably not), it is indicative of the trust people have in this president. 
  Not much.
  All these scandals are a result of poor decision making on the part of this detached "leader" and his pajama dudes, who often openly mock American traditions.
  This time, though there won't be legal consequences because who will stop Obama?, there will be political consequences.
  This guy is scary and dangerous.

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