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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yo Mr. President, About Those Polish Concentration Camps?

The latest demonstration of "smart diplomacy" practiced by our professorial President has inadvertently left a loyal ally seething. Yes, the redoubtable Commander-in Chief who speaks to Congress and the press alike, as if he were lecturing a group third graders on the birds and the bees, who revels in "teaching moments" to instruct the American peasantry on the dangers of its innate stupidity, who speaks condescendingly to Catholic cardinals and Wall Street bankers with an arrogance of breath taking dimensions has flat out stepped in it. Yes, the crown prince of intellectual insolence whose obvious ostentatious pronunciation of Taliban and Chile reminds one of a high school sophomore savoring his first French lesson, in an attempt to honor a late Polish national instead insulted the entire Polish nation with his clumsy reference to Polish concentration camps. Poland is sensitive on the subject of concentration camps that were established by Hitler's conquering Reich to exterminate Jews on Polish soil.
 “We can’t accept such words in Poland, even if they are spoken by a leader of an allied country,” Prime Minister Donald Tusk told journalists in Warsaw today. “Saying Polish concentration camps is as if there was no German responsibility, no Hitler.”
 If that quote doesn't make the point savor this one.
 “The White House will apologize for this outrageous error,” Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski tweeted. Sikorski said that Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk “will make a statement in the morning. It’s a pity that this important ceremony was upstaged by ignorance and incompetence.”
 Ignorance and incompetence! OMG! Who is ignorant and incompetent? Does Mr. Sikorski think Obama is ignorant and incompetent? What's next? Will Obama call Jan Schakowsky and ask her how many Poles it takes to change a light bulb?

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