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Obama countdown

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What is W's fault?

Okay, so his friends are blaming the Algore split on W now...the seizing of the presidency by a man who had been groomed for so many years for was just too, sob, traumatic. And this man they wanted to be president, to handle the most difficult situations in the world, to balance freedom with defense. Yeah, that guy. She's right when she says Algore'll never get over being a loser, albeit a rich one who's scammed people out of millions of dollars.

Attkisson recalled “it's been ten years since that oddly public passionate kiss at the Democratic convention. That was followed by Gore winning the popular vote for President but losing the electoral vote. Family friend Sally Quinn says that may have done the marriage irreparable harm.”
Viewers then head from Quinn, who's married former Post Executive Editor Ben Bradlee and is now titular overseer of the paper's “On Faith” blog: “He obviously suffered a lot and still is suffering. He'll never get over that and neither will she.” (jpg of screen shot of Quinn)
Okay, let's just get it out of the way. The famous kiss at the DNC. You remember. The one where Al stomped across the stage, swooped in and tongued his wife in front of millions of people. It was positively horrifying. Some of us still shudder. But there was a purpose behind that "memorable" kiss. The purpose was to establish the second banana as an alpha male, something he had difficult with, particularly if you're up against a cowboy who chops wood in his spare time rather than cruise the internet. Yeah. And let's be honest. That kiss was work. At least for Algore.


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