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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Celebrities put on show for animals, not humans

  If you, one of the "small people," are like me, you're fed up with Hollywood and celebrities constantly admonishing Americans to stop driving while they jet around the globe to spread their message of oil abstinence.
Perhaps you missed the CNN telethon last night, which raised a whopping 1.3 million, the equivalent of 3 months Botox for the people answering the phones, for the "victims" of the Gulf oil spill. 
It seems the focus was on the animals rather than the livelihoods of the people in the Gulf area. I personally didn't watch it, but BIg Hollywood has the story, thank goodness. 
Cameron Diaz voiced what the whole event was really about: making sure that private planes, limousines, and imported raw organic vegan deli trays are only available to movie stars.  She claimed that we all need to:
“…start making a change in the way you live: What you buy, what you drive, what you eat. You can make the difference; you can help prevent a terrible tragedy like this from ever happening again.”
Victoria Principal not only repeated the debunked Al Gore hurricane chestnut, but indicated she hasn’t been looking at weather reports for the past four years:
”The reason we’re having more hurricanes is because we weren’t thinking in advance about how we treat this planet, so it’s really a wake up call on every level.”
  Heh. This telethon is reminiscent of an old SCTV show episode with Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis called, "The Great White North Palace," in which two hicks are elevated by the corporate bigwigs to a glitzy special totally contrary to their usual backwoods selves.
  If you've never heard of it, never mind. 
  If you remember, have a chuckle remembering those two beer swilling Canadians Bob and Doug, absent knit caps, with slicked back hair and ill fitting tuxes stumbling across the stage knocking over the displays. It was a fraud, a fakery and a total sham and Bob and Doug knew it. 
  The difference is that our celebrities can't see the difference. 
  Here's a clip of Bob and Doug. It isn't the Palace clip, but it's still a good laugh.

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