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Obama countdown

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The ugly face of liberalism

  So the liberals aren't happy with The Anointed One. Janeane Garafolo thinks he shouldn't mention prayer because it's anti-intellectual and SHE should know. 
  Bill Maher thinks The One should be tougher and smack somebody down. 
  Rosie O'Donnell wants a dictator to take over more segments of the economy. Ed Schulz also wants The One to become a dictator, sure that he would remain preserved above the rest of the small people, perhaps even endowed with more than ten viewers. 
  The ultra ultra uber left magazine The Nation didn't like his speech, nor did The New Republic or The Atlantic or...well, you get the picture.
  What can the man do to satisfy them? And what is the real problem here? While it's true that far left and far right never seem to be completely satisfied when their guy is in charge, something more seems to be at work.
  Ross Douthat at the NY Times puts the situation into perspective. What liberals really fear isn't so much that Obama isn't left wing enough fast enough, but rather that he is and it isn't working. For anyone. 
  His liberal policies aren't successful. Obama is issuing liberal edicts everywhere and they're failing, in some cases, spectacularly so, such as in the Gulf, where politics trumps even the environment. 
  Disillusionment is pushing liberals further to the hard left as panic sets in that the agenda just might not work.
  And there's the problem.
  It's really their world view that's the problem. 
  Obama is the figurehead whom they exhorted through song and visions of Lightbringer and Messiah and floating above the fray like God. Now he's floating above the fray but it's pretty obvious that he doesn't really care about the Gulf enough to actually organize the people down there to do what they're supposed to do and to utilize any resources available; the need for solutions should transcend petty politics and union thuggery. But it doesn't, in liberals' world view.
  Yet still liberals struggle to shift blame, to find a reason that the bad things in the US are happening for causes other than their own destructive selfish behavior, imperial in their demands on others to alter their lifestyles but remain indulgent and pampered in their own.
  In the New York Times, liberal columnist Bob Herbert laments that America's "greatness is slipping away." 
  And who's at fault for that. Read what he says:
He goes on to blame...Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. 
  In truth, the liberal cities and states around the country are the causes of those particular messes. 
  In city after city, state after state, union after union, the generous promises of more, more, more wasted on liberal policies that do nothing to improve the economy but rather encourage dependency have bankrupted this country and now liberals don't want to face the reasons this is happening.
  Detroit is the best example of this. In 1950 the most prosperous city in the United States, Detroit is ruined. Criminals at the helm, some now in jail, some in Congress, schools graduate only 25% of students and those who do graduate can't read or write, in fact scoring the lowest in the nation across the board.
  Thousands of people stand in line to receive "Obama money," while the city destroys house after house in abandoned neighborhoods, Mitt Romney's family home included. Numerous schools are closing this year, while the city of Detroit begs for more money and builds more buildings that will only be destroyed by children who have never learned responsibility, who have been taught that handouts are good and that, to succeed, one must depend on the government.
  Even today, more people are standing in line to get bailout loans from the government for houses they couldn't afford to stave off for a few more months the inevitable. 
  If you can't afford it, you shouldn't buy it.
  Character matters.
  Liberals need to face the truth. 
  They also need to get out of the way so we can clean up the Gulf.

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