Using data obtained via FOIA inquiries
Pew Research has put together the first comprehensive profile of the wave of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. Although children under 12 is the fastest growing segment among minors 84% are teenagers. The 12 and under group has grown 117% and increased from 39,759 for all of fiscal year 2013 to 46,932 from October of 2013 to May of 2014. The largest percentage of the young children among total immigrants come from Honduras, 27% and El Salvador, 22%.
The term "unaccompanied" requires some elucidation especially when it is reported that 1% (94 cases) of apprehended unaccompanied children are younger than 1, and about 2% (785) are 5 or younger. ICE labels children as unaccompanied when they are not with a parent or guardian so a child traveling with an aunt, grandparent, or older sister, regardless of age would be reported as un accompanied.
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