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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bartle Bull speaks out on FNC

  Civil rights activist and attorney, former Village Voice editor Bartle Bull appeared on Fox News this morning. It was a remarkable appearance. He believes voter intimidation was not the only purpose behind the black clad weapon bearing militant NBPs who were also designated "poll watchers" appointed by the democrat party. He said the thousands of fraudulent voters enrolled by ACORN were being protected by the black militant New Black Panther thugs who were swinging batons in front of the voting place in Philadelphia. 
  Bartle Bull was at the poll in Philadelphia that day and is the individual who was told, "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!"  (Ironic considering Bartle Bull's history of fighting for equal rights for all Americans) Bull has been quoted as saying this was the most blatant case of voter intimidation he has ever seen in his long civil rights career. 
  Bull was curious as to why the MSM has not covered this case; in fact, there has been ridicule for FNC as to why they are covering the case so closely, as if J. Christian Adams were not testifying in front of the civil rights commission this week, an appearance that the MSM is ignoring. Bartle Bull complimented FNC for having covered this so well. 
  Once FNC has video up of Bartle Bull, we'll see if we can post it. This video is a July 1 appearance of Bartle Bull on Megyn Kelly's program on FNC.

1 comment:

  1. This is incredible. "Almost" hard to beleive!
