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Obama countdown

Friday, July 30, 2010

The mean streak of the "leader" of the free world

We've all noticed: the personal slights from a man who should be above pettiness. He has minions to perform those personal slights for him, after all. What we're all worried about is why the president of the United States feels a need to stoop so low as to personally attack citizens of this country so forcefully and so relentlessly, to prevaricate, and to put into place delusional budgetary items that will bankrupt this country. It's very worrisome. Read the details and examples over at American Thinker:

The body count of Obama's ambushes will grow in the years ahead. How does this help to bring about the civility that Obama preaches should be part of our civic discourse? Of course, it doesn't. Hypocrisy is Obama's trademark. His style of ambushing and humiliating people is a sign of something deeper and darker in Obama's psyche, in his emotional makeup. He is vindictive and enjoys the spectacle of belittling people in front of others and in front of cameras.
The milk of human kindness does not flow in this man's veins, but rather something bitterer -- a type of personal poison that he enjoys spraying on others.

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