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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Breitbart: It's not about Shirley Sherrod

The dismissal of Shirley Sherrod was the big story yesterday; Breitbart appeared on several stations explaining his rationale for releasing the video which admittedly, in several places, did draw more attention to Sherrod than Breitbart's point about the NAACP crowd reacting to her own story of racism and ultimately redemption.
  Presenting this video in a different light might have been beneficial; certainly the USDA should reconsider her firing, as it is doing. (She has stated she may not be interested in returning. She was also involved in a social justice lawsuit against the government regarding past discrimination.) One gets the feeling she is considering legal action regarding this situation, particularly with regard to the notion, which she had previously stated, that no one ever gets fired from a federal government job.  Here Breitbart presents his side of the argument, in defense of the tea parties. 
  Breitbart is a powerful force, an individual who is doing good things. Perhaps time will tell if this was one of them.

Update (already, as the story evolves minute by minute): In addition to Sherrod's comments that the white farmer should be turned over to one of "his own," apparently she feels resentment for those who opposed the health care plan as being "mean-spirited," as if those who oppose the current administration do not have a right to an opinion regarding their own health care and should just accept Dear Leader's guidance in our personal lives. She also sees any kind of resistance to Obama as racist. Apparently democrats never called Bush Hitler or Chimp:
In the full 43-minute video, Sherrod also criticized what she called the "mean-spirited" reaction to the Democratic health care bill.
"Some of the racism we thought was buried, didn't it surface?" she said. "Now we endured eight years of the Bushes, and we didn't do the stuff these Republicans are doing because you have a black president."
Update II: Well, now, what seems to be happening here. Other video of NAACP racism seems to be emerging. It seems Breitbart may have surfaced the laser beam, if he can get the message back on track rather than diverted. Let's make fun of white people. Imagine singing this about black people.

Update III: Here is video of Sherrod herself. The incriminating part is at the back third of the video, in which she disparages Bush and claims Republicans are racist, particularly for opposing the "black president" and the health care bill. Repeat: There is no place for racism in this government and society. NO PLACE FOR RACISM.

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