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Obama countdown

Sunday, June 6, 2010

NoDramaObama=I only care about me

It's getting tiresome listening to the press wag on trying to explain The One's lack of emotion even while his defenders chirp that we all knew we were getting "NoDramaObama" when we elected him. (Wait, what about all the fainting women in the audience? What about, "Oh, you're likable enough, Hillary...") Much of the MSM is still defending his bloodless treatment of anything meaningful other than ribs, hamburgers or a Muslim dictator. In this article Mark Knoller makes the usual excuses, avoiding reality. Notice that the reason the Indonesia trip was canceled was that The One shouldn't be seen frolicking around the world while the Gulf dies. Notice also the particular and frequent references to FDR as a model for The One, who styles himself as the black FDR. 
The Obama White House today announced that Mr. Obama was again scrubbing his scheduled visit to Australia and Indonesia the week after next. It was decided he could not be seen on a non-essential foreign trip while the gusher in the Gulf remains unplugged.
The previous article calls all events "light hearted" while not naming them as actual parties, even while at the same time Obama cries to his supporters that he has faced more trials and problems ("Let's face it: this has been the toughest year and a half since any year and a half since the 1930s.") in his short presidency than anyone since the 1930s (notice the FDR reference again.) Let's look at how he's been spending his time from Promise of America:

  1. Two days of media events (White House Correspondents Dinner and a tĂȘte a tĂȘte with Bono)  
  2. Three days of fundraising 
  3. Four commemorations (graduations, Cinco de Mayo, etc) 
  4. Six days of vacation
  5. Six days of campaigning
  6. Six sports events
  7. Seven days of golf

Meanwhile Michael Goodwin is closer to reality about the narcissist in chief. 

His message is wrong. He's not showing enough anger. He's lost control of the narrative. He's a vic tim of bad luck and big oil.
It's excuse time in the fudge factory. President Obama is getting lots of cover and advice from his left-leaning media friends. Their ideas run the gamut from public relations to, well, public relations.
Beyond the irony of journalists urging more spin from a politician, the really remarkable fact is that none dare consider the possibility that Obama is simply not up to the job. It is a scary thought, but evidence of consistent failure is overwhelming.

    Here's the harsh truth. Obama does not appear to care because Obama does not care. He's obviously faking it now. We know these are just photo ops. That's all they are. He may be incompetent or he may just be a Marxist who thinks the little people are beneath him and as long as he gets his cadillac health care for his family, he couldn't care less about the health care of the elderly. Why should he stop the parties? There's no reason to since the parties (Gatsby) are the reason he's in office. Why should he stop a European singer from contemptuously insulting our former president when he does it so frequently himself? Why should he set the mood in the room by discouraging such blatant disrespect  when the laughing hyenas he has hired think it's funny, just as he does, to mock the structure of our country and its former leaders? There's the truth.
     He's NoDramaObama because the only drama he values is what tux to wear, what bbq to eat and which expensive beef to have for the next  Democrat fundraising event.
     NoDramaObama=I only care about me, me, me.

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