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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Anonymous audio tapes contradict the official account of the Ferguson shooting.

Heroes and sympathetic victims are in short supply in Ferguson. There are no good actors. The only winners are the cable news channels who breathlessly offer up the latest tidbits of hearsay evidence that validates the reporter's particular point of view. My own view is anyone who shoots an unarmed man 6 times, and we do not know yet how many times he missed, should expect to have to defend that decision in a court of law. I would presently make Officer Darren Wilson a slight favorite to prevail not because I favor that outcome but society is very reluctant to punish those whom it charges to keep order.
One detail that has not gained much currency is the question, did Officer Wilson bother to call in the shooting. The assertion that the shooting was not reported was made by actor/activist Jesse Williams of Grey's Anatomy renown on CNN's State of the Union.
"This started with a kid getting shot and killed and left in the street for four hours," Williams said. "I've never seen a white body left in the street for four hours in the sweltering heat. I've never — you know, the cop doesn't call — doesn't call in the shooting. The body isn't put in an ambulance. It's (shuttled) away in some shady unmarked SUV."
Dorian Johnson's lawyer, Freeman Bosley is quoted in the Washington Post as saying, that Wilson "doesn't attempt to resuscitate. He does not call for medical help. The officer didn't call it in that someone had been shot."
PolitiFact dissected Williams' assertion and conclude it may or may not be true. It traced Williams' claim to the Saint Louis County Police dispatch recording that was posted by the hactivist group Anonymous. Apparently the recording didn't evoke much interest as there are only 175 views currently. Incredibly county dispatch learned of the shooting from the news media. The dispatch operator called the Ferguson Police Department and it was unaware of the shooting.
Fast forward to 9:30. The dispatcher says Ferguson is asking for crowd control assistance at Camfield and Copper Creek.
At 11:15 she says there was an officer involved shooting but does not know the source. "It was just called into my desk."
At 11:25 "Be advised this information came from the news."
At 11:55 "We just called Ferguson and they don't know anything about it."

The dispatch audio is at variance with timeline created by Saint Louis Public Radio from reports of the Ferguson Police Department.
12:00:07 p.m., Wilson left a scene where he was assisting with a "sick call."

12:01:50 p.m., a shooting event is opened by the Ferguson police department.

12:02:22 p.m., Ferguson dispatch alerts another officer, who is en route and arrives on scene.

12:04:55 p.m. EMS is contacted.
If EMS ever did arrive they certainly kept a low profile. In any event the audio suggests breathtaking incompetence at the best and a conspiracy to concoct a plausible alternative account at the worse.

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