For all talk about Obama's love for Muslims it appears he has a really warm place in his heart for the Baptists; at least the Baptists who take care of illegal immigrant children. Judicial Watch reports that Obama's HHS paid Baptist Children and Family Services (BCFS) $182,129,786 to provide “basic shelter care” to 2,400 “unaccompanied alien children” (UAC) for four months in 2014. God knows what "deluxe shelter care" would run but the per illegal child cost was $86,846.34 for four month at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. On an annual rate that would be $260,539.02 per child. HHS and the Baptists did a little better at Lackland Air Force Base where the per child cost was only a modest $64,928 for four whole months. To think that my sisters used to baby sit for fifty cents per hour!
Perhaps one day Obama will give a shout out to BCFS's Incident Management Team. These dedicated professionals raked in a cool $80,000 for four months work while the average American household makes do on about $47,000 for an entire year.
But it's for the children and all children need tempera paint, paint markers, paint brushes, easel brushes, art paper and especially "multicultural crayons" all for just $180,000. They also need board games, soccer balls, basket balls, jump ropes, bracelet making kits, yarn, puzzles, arts and crafts, decks of cards, and eye-hand coordination game sets. That's another $180,000 and while that may seem extravagant how about the $75 per day paid to a local catering service so each child received 3 meals and 2 snacks and one can bet Michelle Obama did not approve the menu. Toss in $576,000 for phone bills as each child was allowed 2 long distance calls per week, $20,000 for cable TV and another $8,000 for Internet access and one can readily see that Neely would be regarded as some sort of Scrooge character.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Evidently. With much ado Obama flew to Las Vegas supposedly to sign the paperwork to illegally make illegals legal. But if he signed an executive order or some legal memoranda exercising his prosecutorial discretion nothing to that effect has shown up in the Federal Registry. Obama's latest executive order was “Improving the Security of Consumer Financial Transactions,” signed October 17. So who signed what? Apparently Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has hijacked the government.According to the White House website, on Nov. 21 Obama signed a presidential proclamation titled “Creating Welcoming Communities Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees” and a presidential memorandum titled “Modernizing and Streamlining the U.S. Immigration Visa System for the 21st Century.”Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch calls this a serious violation of the constitution;
The first of the presidential actions, “Creating Welcoming Communities Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees,” filed Nov. 26 in the Federal Register at Vol. 79, No. 228, in the category “Presidential Documents” at page 70769, created a White House Task Force on New Americans to “engage with community, business, and faith leaders, as well as State and local elected officials.” The task force is designed to “help determine additional steps the Federal Government can take to ensure its programs and policies are serving diverse communities that include new Americans.”
The second of the presidential actions, “Modernizing and Streamlining the U.S. Immigration Visa System for the 21st Century,” filed Nov. 26 in the Federal Register at Vol. 79, No. 228, in the category “Presidential Documents” at page 70765, empowered the secretaries of State and Homeland Security, in consultation with the director of the Office of Management and Budget, the director of the National Economic Council, the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, the director of the Domestic Policy Council, the director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the attorney general, and the secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Labor and Education, to make a series of recommendations “to reduce government costs, improve services for applicants, reduce burdens on employers, and combat waste, fraud, and abuse in the system” of issuing immigrant and non-immigrant visas.
The only Obama administration document relevant to altering DACA to accommodate the legislative changes announced in Obama’s address to the nation Nov. 21 is a DHS memorandum signed by DHS Secretary Johnson titled “Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children with Respect to Certain Individuals Who Are the Parents of U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents.”
“The entire implementing authority involves a memorandum published by DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson that changes the immigration law, directing federal money to be spent that has not been appropriated by Congress,” he said.Read more here.
“In my view, there is a serious question whether Jeh Johnson should be impeached for taking this action, and a criminal investigation should be initiated to determine how and why federal funds are being misappropriated,” he declared.
Fitton said DHS “is being hijacked to implement actions Congress has neither authorized nor appropriated funds to accomplish.”
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