How bizarre has this administration and its satellites become?
Obama gets up in front of the world and mocks Putin--who is definitely mockable but who also happens to be a world leader, both characteristics which happen to also belong to Obama--as if he, the superior American Nobel Peace Prize winner, is the popular kid in the room who sneeringly condescends to rip the Russian in front of the Choom gang.
The Russian whose favorite pastime appears to be strutting shirtlessly around his country killing small animals.
So the press appropriately clapped their tiny manicured hands and tittered admiringly at Obama's cleverness, actions they repeated when Obama decided to let them watch him golf when he descended on Martha's Vineyard.
DAN HARRIS: Switching gears now to all the chatter this morning about President Obama showing a different and very interesting side of his personality in a high-profile moment in front of the assembled White House press corps on Friday afternoon. The president occasionally sort of cutting loose with candid comments about everybody from Vladimir Putin to Michelle Obama. ABC senior Washington correspondent Jeff Zeleny is here with more. This was the president without the prompter.Word on the street has it that Obama's a pretty terrible basketball player, pitcher and, of course, golfer.
Perhaps you've seen this picture taken a few years ago. It's my theory that this is pretty much the reason Obama quit letting the press watch him golf:
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photo from Salon |
The photo was immediately labeled "prancercise golf," painful in its skinny-legged self-admiring "Ooooo I missed again" pose.
The famously funny Iowahawk claimed this photo was evidence of an Obama fart:
"Protip: to successfully pull off a "one-cheek sneak" you have to be a little more subtle than this."
To top it off, Obama's one percenter friends on Martha's Vineyard are in a snit because he's tied up the whole place (can't find the link right now. Sorry.). If you've ever been around "the Vineyard," you know driving space is extremely limited and it doesn't take much to shut down the roads. Others claim Obama's making a few enemies, although he has enough well-heeled friends that a few enemies won't hurt.
In fact, he seems to enjoy making enemies of at least half the country, maybe even 59% according to the latest poll.
Obama appears to have a penchant for flying his dog around the country in a separate plane and is rumored to have had the 99 percenters put BO the Portugese Water Dog on one of two MV-22 Ospreys to fly him separately to the island, sorta like Michelle has flown separately on vacation a few hours ahead of her better half.
Money's no problem.
Still, the press frets that Obama won't get a good relaxing vacation.
But for once somebody in the media White House thought it might look good for the POTUS to pretend to be working so today the below photo was released into the wild.
Notice how squinty Obama's eyes are, indicating he's really, really listening hard.
Rice is even wearing her glasses, showing she's really, really serious about briefing her boss about all the bad stuff going on around the world.
Like horrible videos and stuff people put on YouTube.
The above photo reminded me of other Obama photos in which he's really, really listening hard.
The photo below was also taken at Martha's Vineyard when Obama was on vacation. He's being briefed. In 2011. It looks like he's wearing the same outfit, too, but that's what happens when you come in off the golf course to get "briefed," which is probably different than getting "pantsed."
See, his eyes are really, really squinty, indicating that--even though he's on vacation--he's still on the job.
You know. Focused like a laser beam on the economy and stuff.
He does that now and then, sometimes when he's just thinking about important things like football. The Daily Mail calls this photo "adorable."
The photos on this blog post sorta reminded me of the older one below. You might remember it too. See, Obama's pretty small looking in this photo too, just like the skinny legged golfing one. And what's he wearing? Yeah. Wonder where's HE'S just come from.
Anyway I considered writing a blog post lamenting that Obama has once again spent millions on another fancy vacation but what good would it do?
It's not like he's going to change.
It's just that I'm beginning to suspect he wants us to get mad out here in the blue states.
I'm beginning to suspect that he kinda gets a thrill from tweaking the more civic minded and thrifty among us.
So I decided not to do that today.
I also decided that it's probably cheaper for America if the Obamas are perenially on vacation.
So let's just hope they stay there.
On Martha's Vineyard with all the other stuck up one percenters.
More on the bizarre behavior of "the others" later. I'm trying to imagine being a billionaire and complaining about the way I'm treated in Switzerland.
But I digress.
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