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Friday, August 23, 2013

Jane Fonda continues her anti-Americanism

  I was really honked off the other day when Bill O'Reilly didn't know that, while advertising her role as Nancy Reagan in "The Butler", Jane Fonda wore a t-shirt depicting her arrest 40 years ago, a mug shot in which she is holding her fist in a black power salute after being arrested for drug smuggling. 
  O-Reilly, in his "magnanimous" RINO mode, seemed to think Fonda has changed, that somehow she's adapted her anti-American message and resolved her place of privilege and wealth in society.
  I watched the interview and noticed the shirt; Fonda also claimed to know that Nancy Reagan was happy to have Fonda play her in such a role.
  It'll be a cold day in hell before I wear a shirt with a picture of myself emblazoned on it, much less behaving in such a disgraceful manner.
   Naturally some people are still upset with Fonda, whose complete history of war crimes can be found here. She was 34 when she posed on the Vietcong tank and spread her anti-American propaganda.
  Fonda sells t shirts and other paraphernalia  on her website with the mug shot printed on it.
  Of her fraternizing with the enemy, Fonda said this:
“I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me. … It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless.”
  Yet she still bears the grudges of those years, as evidenced by her Leftist agenda. It is, once again, astounding that people such as this woman, who has had nothing but privilege and bounty heaped upon her, continue to disparage this country.
  She knew her presence in the film would cause controversy, so she said this:
Fonda roused even more ire with an inflammatory statement to the Hollywood Reporter about the issue, which went viral among people who see her as a traitor and liberal blowhard. “If it creates hoopla, it will cause more people to see the movie,” she said, adding, “I figured it would tweak the right. Who cares?”
  Fonda is said to be worth $120 million dollars. She recently sold her house for $7.5 million and bought another for about the same amount in Beverly Hills.

  I really don't care how much money she makes or is worth but it is indeed galling that those Americans who have had the best of what this country has to offer think they can try to turn the rest of us against it.
  "The Butler" appears to be another of those attempts, including drama that portrays Reagan as the usual heartless monster and Leftists as pro-civil rights and pure.
The film, however, portrays Allen's exit as a principled stand against Reagan's policies. In the film, Allen, portrayed by Forrest Whitaker quits his job over Reagan's indifference to civil rights and his alleged support of the South African apartheid government.
  The real butler left the service of the government in 1986 during Reagan's tenure,
  Even Weinstein admits that Reagan was close to the butler who inspired the film.
  From Breitbart :
A Washington Post profile in 2008 noted that Allen and his wife kept framed photos of Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy in their living room. Pictures of the other presidents Allen served were hung in the basement. Why would the real-life Allen keep pictures of Reagan in the most prominent place in his home if he had quit his job over policy disagreements with the Administration? 
The closeness between Allen and the Reagans is evidenced by another anecdote in the profile. Allen was the first butler to attend a state dinner as a guest. The Reagans invited Allen and his wife to attend a state dinner for West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.
  The truth about the presidencies of Reagan and Obama is this:
***Under Reagan, adult black unemployment fell by 20 percent, but under Mr. Obama, it has increased by 42 percent.
***Black teenage unemployment fell by 16 percent under Reagan, but has risen by 56 percent under Mr. Obama.  LINK
  The Left never gives up.
  And we'll never forget.

1 comment:

  1. I quit O'Reilly after I heard his RINO take on immigration reform.
