"It's a bit rich for Todd and Mitchell to cry foul now about their journalistic purity being contaminated by commercial and ideological considerations," says independent TV news analyst Andrew Tyndall. "As if the MSNBC lineup where Todd and Mitchell ply their trade every day is not shared with activist ideologues such as Al Sharpton and Ed Schultz."
To that end, sources at NBC News say that it was not simply Republican ire that set the news division on edge. Rather, it was the specter of retaliation from the former first lady and secretary of state, who very well could be a leading 2016 presidential candidate. The Clintons' penchant for grudges is legendary. And Hillary in 2008 threatened to boycott an MSNBC-sponsored debate over former anchor David Shuster's comment that Chelsea Clinton had been "pimped out" for her mother's campaign. Any scripted Clinton project almost certainly would include content objectionable to Bill and Hillary. "The Clintons are the ones to worry about," says an NBC source. "Who needs those headaches?"
I've always thought Hillary looks most natural when she throw back a shot. Sarah Palin could never do that. No glass ceiling here Hillary drinks like a man but here is where the gossip gets interesting. While NBC frets about angering Hillary the former Secretary of State is negotiating a $25 million deal with Simon and Schuster to write a Washington tell-all. The thinking is Hillary can inoculate herself against untimely revelations by telling them herself. The National Inquirer reports A "family insider" says that the former secretary of State will "admit that she’s bisexual and has had lesbian relationships" and reveal that "a veterinarian who treated the family cat Socks at the White House stumbled upon her locked in a steamy embrace with a woman. Also there are rumors that Hillary will out Barack Obama as an alcoholic and opine upon the rumored marital strife in the Obama's marriage. This could be fun!Now imagine if you are writing NBC's miniseries. What is safe to write about? Do you portray Hillary as Tammy Wynette, the good wife, while her autobiography dwells on sex and alcohol?

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