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Saturday, October 8, 2011


Well, there's this amazing, horrifying, incredibly stupefying video that must be watched from beginning to end. John Lewis, Democrat showboat, wants to horn in on the Atlanta occupy whatever meeting and the zombies are too busy repeating everything they say to one another to let him. They pride themselves on having no leaders (in emulation of the Tea Party) but resort to screaming differences at the end. Lewis stares around him like he's in a nut farm (he is) and can't believe the little people don't want to hear him. Watch the expressions on his face as he storms off at the end. Also watch the goofy expressions of the guy with the megaphone. PRICELESS!
  This weird chanting they do is similar to what they did in NY at OWS when Frances Fox Piven began speaking.
  Here is the philosophy from OccupyToledo:
So nobody is in charge? How do decisions get made?The General Assembly has become the de facto decision-making body for the occupation at Liberty Plaza, just a few blocks north of Wall Street. (That was Zuccotti Park’s name before 2006, when the space was rebuilt by Brookfield Properties and renamed after its chairman, John Zuccotti.) Get ready for jargon: the General Assembly is a horizontal, autonomous, leaderless, modified-consensus-based system with roots in anarchist thought, and it’s akin to the assemblies that have been driving recent social movements around the world, in places like Argentina, Egypt’s Tahrir Square, Madrid’s Puerta del Sol and so on. Working toward consensus is really hard, frustrating and slow. But the occupiers are taking their time. When they finally get to consensus on some issue, often after days and days of trying, the feeling is quite incredible. A mighty cheer fills the plaza. It’s hard to describe the experience of being among hundreds of passionate, rebellious, creative people who are all in agreement about something.

And, of course, by now everyone's seen these pictures from the Daily Mail with a "protester" pooping on a police car. He runs off before the cops can catch him, in true "revolutionary" fashion. Keep it up, guys. Overrun museums, clog up the local toilets, leave trash everywhere and then claim people need to forgive your stupid school loans and give you jobs.

And then there's this DOPINESS on the part of Al notso Sharpton who doesn't even realize the Democrats were the ones who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and not Republicans, thus proving Herman Cain's point true!

And then there's the useful idiot Martin Bashir who thinks Herman Cain, who had accomplished tremendous things educationally and professionally by the time he was 35, spent his youth misguided since he wasn't getting arrested marching in the riots with early Civil Rights leaders. Apparently independent thought is frowned upon by the brainwashed.

UPDATE: The chanting is part of collaboratism, a system of governing he wishes for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. The general assembly seems a little cumbersome no? Ten minutes to get a yes or no vote on Lewis. Maybe someday they will allow filibuster.
