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Sunday, February 26, 2012

The USPS death spiral

  Walter Russell Mead addresses it.
  I've had to redeliver my neighbors' mail 3 times in recent days, including what looked like bills and checks.
  I would rather pay a bit extra by taking a package to a mail delivery company than the USPS, where lines are always long, the clerks are rude or on break and the prices are unreasonable considering the service.
  So if I'm willing to pay extra, why can't the USPS tap into that business model?
  Well, for one going postal usually means anything but a cheerful face and a short line.
Irrational, hang the cost mandates by legislators desperate to please rural constituents and labor unions make it harder to do what must be done. Overhaul of the USPS is being delayed, but it can’t be avoided. Internal estimates predict the postal service will be hemorrhaging $18.2 billion a year by 2015.  Efficient private carriers and technology like email and Skype have undermined certain USPS services faster than the aging behemoth has been able to adapt (something we’ve covered before).
  They need to adapt to the current market. 
  Adapt. Government. 


  1. This whole USPS debacle could be solved by doing one thing. Get rid of third class mail.

  2. getting the teabagger out of the postal reform processes and keep the republicians out of our bussiness the letter carriers are woking on a plan to save the system but our superiors aren't to bright they think by telling the general public were broke enoungh times some dumdass will believe it what we should do is have all of our employees use the postal service to pay there bills and stop upper management from buying outdated equipment to process the mail
