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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can Maurice Duhon beat Sheila Jackson Lee?

Wow. I have to say this candidate Maurice Duhon is a long shot but he just might have a chance to beat Sheila Jackson Lee. He's a former rapper ("Cornbreadd) and real estate agent who seems to truly love this country, running as an Independent. From his website
Dear fellow Americans,
I am more than a mere Rapper, I am a man with a firm hold on his faculties and abilities.  For years, I have allowed others to govern this land and its great citizens.  That governance, has refused to emulate the qualities of prudence, rationalism, and logic. 
While I once focused my energies and talents towards entertaining my fellow Americans and those familiar with my artistic craft, I now am forced to reduce the focus I have given to the arts of music, poetry, prose and my other whims of juvenilia. 
I understand that in this age of sound-bites and eye-catching headlines, it may be fun and interesting to focus on a "rapper" persona, but please always be mindful; I purposely stepped away from my art and music out of respect for the current state of the American Citizen.  Rather than formulate words to rhyme and inspire others to support the improvement of these great United States, I believe it is time to formulate thought and insight that will provide the needed legislation to facilitate such improvement rather that wait for another person to have a political epiphany.
In a  column written by Mr. Duhon entitled "A Return to Prudent and Accountable Government," Candidate Duhon says:
Every day, our hard working, loyal, and faithful citizens unselfishly strive to pay their “fair share” only to be methodically ushered away from and not included within the serious debates that determine the actions and outlook of our nation’s public policies.  American progress should benefit American citizens.  There must be incentives found in being a tax paying American citizen.  
Those incentives, forever and always will be the potential for the success of American liberty, and opportunity, while providing that same protection from threats both foreign and domestic whether physical, emotional, or financial in nature.  Just as our beloved land and shores deserve protection from tyrants and predators, we the people shall vehemently demand that same protection to cover our hearts, minds, and our economic sustainability.  
Plainly put, "One hand washes the other", "It takes a village", and "Love is a two-way street".  Our nation's leaders must return to the practice of creating and supporting legislation and policy that intends to work with and to promote the well-being of all Americans.  
  As a former rapper, Cornbreadd has a history. 
From the Houston Press, we learn about Cornbreadd's former life:
If Cornbreadd didn't already exist, some MTV programming executive would have had to make him up. On record, he can be as grimy and ghetto as they come — the opening track on his Cornbreadd Mixtape CD is called "Dick Like This" — but he delivers even his harshest rhymes with the kind of charisma that elicits a chuckle instead of a gasp. 
In person, Cornbreadd radiates personality like a lightbulb does heat. In the brief amount of time it takes his interviewer to field a phone call from the office, he's made fast friends with a Café Express employee who recognizes him from The Money and the Power (a common occurrence in Houston these days; the season finale aired January 22). 
  He has a YouTube channel, a MySpace viewable only by friends, and was a participant in an MTV reality show.
  We have no illusions about Mr. Cornbreadd. But while he calls for a path to citizenship (who doesn't want that?), he also calls for border control. Medical marijuana, but a simplified tax code.
  We'll have to keep an eye on this young man when we begin to contribute to the campaigns of prospective politicians.
  There are many policy positions we don't like about Mr. Duhon, and he certainly has a history he will have to overcome but, hey, the very qualities conservatives find questionable about Mr. Duhon may very well be the qualities Houstonians in District 18 value. 
  Well, vote by, anyway.
  And imagine...replacing Sheila Jackson Lee.
  You can't get much worse than Sheila Jackson Lee.


  1. Maurice, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Sending you a small contribution tomorrow. May God bless you richly.

  2. I am excited to send you a gracious "thank you" letter in response to this kind contribution. Let us rejoice today, for tomorrow we will live in a better America.

    Please be well as we continue to live in His Word.

    Maurice E. Duhon, Jr.
    IND. Candidate U.S. Congress (TX) 18th District

  3. Thanks, Mr. Duhon. We seem to share more than not in our love for this great country and our desire for accountability. If you'd like to address our readers, we'd be glad to do that for you. Regardless, good luck in your endeavor. You seem more patriotic, focused and unselfish than your opponent.

  4. Hey Reece! You have nothing but my support!
    Your Cousin,

    - Jessica Johnson
