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Obama countdown

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let's Talk About Bill Ayers Some More

For everything there is a time and purpose under heaven. Team Obama and its abettors carried on a extraordinarily malicious attack against Sarah Palin and her family long after the campaign ended. Baseless ethics complaints were filed against her, looser Levi Johnson was enlisted to help in the smear, and a writer literally stalked the entire Palin family. Grinning, team Obama moved on. When Michele Bachmann began to rise in the polls out came the knives. She was stupid. She was a homophobe. She held fundamentalist Christian beliefs that are verboten in today's world. Slowly she sunk in the polls. Many people love Sarah Palin and many people love Michele Bachmann and when the country gears up for the general election it will see the settling of old scores like it hasn't seen since the baptism of Michael Corleone's nephew. This video, showing Robert Gibbs lying about Obama's association with Bill Ayers is mild compared to what is to come. It will not matter if the Republican nominee may, as McCain did, insists on fighting a clean fight. Scores will be settled and settled brutally.

Three things have happened since 2008. The Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v The Federal Election Commission that corporations could donate money to political campaigns and political action groups. Regardless what the Republican Party and its nominee may want political action groups, flush with cash will broadside Obama with enough questions and accusations to make him puke. Why are his student records sealed? Was he an affirmative action beneficiary who flunked Econ 101? Did he write a term paper with anti-semitic sentiments? Why is his birth certificate photo shopped. What about Larry Sinclair, a Hillary Clinton discovery, who had a homosexual affair and did drugs with Obama? Let's talk about Tony Rezko, Reverend Wright, and Michelle's no-show job.

There was no Tea Party in 2008. In 2010 the two year old movement managed to pick up 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats. If not for Obama there would be no Tea Party. It was formed and exists solely for the purpose of destroying big government and sending Obama and his fellow travelers to political hell. The Tea Party also loves Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann and they will not pull punches. They will remind everyone of every failure and misdeed committed by team Obama from the auto bailout, to Fast and Furious, to Solyndra, to Obamacare, and to TARP. They will hold rallies, knock on doors, man phone banks and blog. They will outdo 2010.

In 2008 there was no Andrew Breitbart and his "Big Government" site. There was no James O'Keefe and his investigative journalism. These two alone are responsible for the defunding of ACORN, the probable eventual defunding of Planned Parenthood and NPR and driving a Democratic Congressman from office. Then there is Glen Beck who drove Van Jones from his job and who like Breitbart has the visibility and funds to push a story. Backing up the aforementioned, there are hundreds of bloggers who ferret out hundreds of local stories and frequently provide video proof of those stories. Yes, times have changed!

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