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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Morning roundup-March 30

Even if you don't agree with pro life positions, you have to admit this is pretty disgusting behavior. Why would you need to use fetal cells for something this stupid? LifeNews:
A pro-life group that monitors the use of cells from babies victimized by abortions is today highlighting a biotech company, Senomyx, which it says produces artificial flavor enhancers using aborted fetal cell lines to test their products.
The group Children of God for Life is calling for a public boycott of major food companies partnering with Senomyx
  Companies including Pepsi are standing behind this company. They deserve a boycott.
  As does HBO.
  You can tolerate free speech that is disgusting. You don't have to pay for it. HBO is pretty much a dinosaur, anyway, as there are so many ways to get programs you enjoy without paying for HBO's tired format.
  But that HBO tolerates the disturbing chauvinism of Bill Maher with regard to women and religious folks is truly disturbing.
  This man needs help. Daily Caller calls on him to be fired. Since it doesn't look like that's going to happen, cancel.
HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher’s recent foray into sexism — employing the terms “dumb twat,” “bimbos,” and “cunt” in describing Rep. Michele Bachmann and Gov. Sarah Palin — is completely unacceptable and should not be allowed to be part of our country’s national dialogue. That is why The New Agenda, a national organization devoted to improving the lives of women and girls, is calling on Time Warner, owner of HBO, to immediately cancel Bill Maher’s show and terminate his employment
  Gateway PUndit has video of Van Jones and the whole blame America first crowd, blaming America first the day after 9/11.
  How, especially on that day, could you stand in front of a crowd and blame America for 9/11?
  This behavior reveals what is in the heart of Van Jones. Knowing this, it also reveals what is in the heart of Barack Obama, who esteems Van Jones greatly enough to fawn over him and hire him into a position of power over the American people.
  Our president's energy speech to Georgetown the other day is full of prevarications. 
  For one thing, since when won't "drill, baby, drill" work? Why are these people always saying that it'll take at least 10 years to get more oil so why bother to set it up now? Why are the taxpayers paying to set up a company to drill in Brazil, buy THEIR oil, but not work on finding our own? And is it true that America sits on some of the largest reserves in the world? 
  And are you serious? You smartie students at Georgetown laughing at the idea of drilling, as if it won't solve our energy problems?
Now, here’s the thing -– we have been down this road before. Remember, it was just three years ago that gas prices topped $4 a gallon. I remember because I was in the middle of a presidential campaign. Working folks certainly remember because it hit a lot of people pretty hard. And because we were at the height of political season, you had all kinds of slogans and gimmicks and outraged politicians — they were waving their three-point plans for $2 a gallon gas. You remember that — “drill, baby, drill”
– and we were going through all that. (Laughter.) And none of it was really going to do anything to solve the problem. There was a lot of hue and cry, a lot of fulminating and hand-wringing, but nothing actually happened. Imagine that in Washington. (Laughter.)

  The Daily Beast has an article on the back operations of places like Soros's Media Matters. It's pretty revealing. They really do just sit there with hundreds of tvs running waiting to pounce on something they can misconstrue into "news."
  I made up my mind about Libya.
  Get out. No lives lost for that worthless cause.

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