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Obama countdown

Monday, March 7, 2011

Let the very young die: let's start with Obamacare

  As Obamacare slugs along, trying to sink its vampire teeth into every healthy business and insurance company in this great country, some of the bills are coming due. Dr. Milton Wolf, cuz to the prez, has a column at the WashTimes:
Obamacare is living on borrowed time, and even its most ardent supporters are beginning to realize it. That’s why they’re racing to implement - and entrench - as much of the plan as possible before the laws of economics and the laws of the land and voters catch up. They’re like a deadbeat renter starting a remodeling project after being evicted but before the police escort them from the premises in hopes that it gives them squatter’s rights. Meanwhile, two unrelated but devastating events have caused the ground to shake beneath the feet of Obamacare supporters.
  While there's hope that Democrats are throwing the abominable Dr. Berwick under the ambulance, the abominable British health care system continues to reveal itself to all but the folks who adore abandoning the sick folks for greener territory.
  The Telegraph unloads on NHS, revealing that hospitals are cut, nursing homes are cut, help for the sick and elderly and young is cut. No more comfort for YOU!
  Who's left to treat? 
  Why, the healthy, of course, just as the Obamacare crowd favors!
  The Telegraph has, oh, so much more:

Some of the most common operations — including hip replacements and cataract surgery — will be rationed as part of attempts to save billions of pounds, despite government promises that front-line services would be protected.
Patients’ groups have described the measures as “astonishingly brutal”
  NHS says let babies who are born at 23 weeks DIE QUICKLY. That's what she said. LifeNews:
An official of the British National Health Service, the governmental socialized medicine program, is drawing gasps from pro-life people worldwide over comments she made saying babies born at 23 weeks of pregnancy should be let to die.
  Whoa, boy, it can't get any worse.
  Can it?
  When you're talking about the NHS, bad secrets are revealed daily.
  Running an experimental drug on a cancer patient, the NHS did nothing to monitor him, had no records on him, did not treat him when the patient reacted against the drug, made a point that the drug treatment was more important than the patient, and generally left him to die.  The Daily Mail:

In fact, over the course of the entire weekend, no one was able to find out anything about the trial.  ‘Andy was a drugs trial patient. With a new drug, it’s a case of anything can happen — and, in Andy’s case, it did. Which is why there should have been a provision in the trial that someone was available 24/7.
‘But it was chaotic. No one knew what they were doing. They kept saying: “We have to be careful we don’t compromise the trial.” I wanted to scream. “Never mind the trial. What about my husband!” ’
Karen then left Andy for just a few hours to shower and change; the scene which greeted her on her return was deeply distressing.
  Mmmmm....yeah, that's what we need. More of this kind of thing.
  Obamacare's toast.
  I dunno how. I dunno when.
  Obamacare's dead.
  There's no more money and even Sebelius has admitted the financial support for Obamacare is unsustainable.
  We stay vigilant.
  But yup.
  Put your hands around its throat and squeeze its neck until its head pops off.

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