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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Squattin' in the USA

  On a nice lazy Sunday morning, it's always good to get your blood boiling. This story has been around a few days, but as it develops it is truly astounding.
  In Britain, of course, are so many serious problems that it's almost impossible to keep up. Citizens' rights are limited by numerous laws that favor non-taxpayers/indigents/illegals.
  The latest outrage is that of a fellow who saved up for years to buy an expensive house and was having it remodeled when squatters, discussing it on an online forum, decided to occupy it, which appears to be their legal right.
  Authorities not only will not do anything to help the legal owner, but have supplied the squatters with funds to fight the eviction. The ultimate insult? The squatters are illegals who, since they are unemployed, under EU rules have more rights than the taxpaying citizens. 
  Are they squatting because they're old and poor? Are they squatting because they've fallen on rough times? 
  Eh, no.
  Read over at Daily Mail:

One of the squatters, who said he was 20, told the Sunday Telegraph: 'There are many empty homes and we should be able to live wherever we want.'
Shoreditch County Court refused to issue an interim possession order forcing them to vacate the property within 24 hours because of a technicality - and it could now be six weeks before they are told have to go.
An eviction order was made by the judge but it could be weeks before they are out.
  Lest you rest easy and think that this is a peculiar EU problem, take a look at this declaration called, "A World for the Taking: Squatting in the USA," whose author considers squatting a gray area.
Why would you rent when so many vacant buildings are sitting empty for the taking? 
Depending on the location and people involved, squatting falls into the gray area between homelessness and normal living. But to me, there's ultimately a world of difference between sleeping in a boarded-up house and sleeping on a sidewalk. Squatting allows me to reclaim a home for myself. 
  A boarded up house is one thing. Taking over houses now owned by the bank is quite another, as is staying at your house for years after you've lost it or stealing another's house which was legally paid for.
  There's a How to Squat Wiki
  Here's the international symbol for squatting:

  Youtube has videos on how to squat in the USA and Wikipedia has information on squats made legal in, of course, New York City. 
  California has  a particular problem (of course).
  Then there're the community activist groups that help people squat in the USA. ACORN has promoted squatting for years.  
  Obama's connection? Why, Working Familes for America, a branch of ACORN, which Obama has promoted for years. From Discover the Networks:

The Working Families Party (WFP) is a front group for the radical cult ACORN. It functions as a political party in New York State and Connecticut, promoting ACORN-friendly candidates. Unlike conventional political parties, WFP charges its members dues – about $60 per year – a policy characteristic of ACORN and its affiliates.
According to the party’s Web site, WFP is a coalition founded by ACORN, the Communications Workers of America, and the United Automobile Workers. However, ACORN clearly dominates the coalition. New York ACORN leader Steven Kest was the moving force in forming the party. WFP headquarters  is located at the same address as ACORN’s national office, at 88 Third Avenue in Brooklyn.
“The [Working Families Party] was created in 1998 to help push the Democratic Party toward the left,” noted the Associated Press on March 28, 2000. 

  As sanity returns to the USA, pushing these radical agendas will become more intense. While a generous people, most Americans are simply not sympathetic to people who eagerly and selfishly break the law for their own gain.

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