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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Left wing punks

  Punks-both in action and personally. 
  First we had the left winger who called Governor Walker and pretended to be a wealthy conservative businessman, punking the governor into believing that he was talking to someone other than a leftwing punker. 
  A great fuss was made about the incident, but in reality it verified that Governor Walker is in private who he is in public.
  Now we have a restaurant claiming that they turned away Governor Walker and refused to serve him, asked him to leave while the customers booed him. This incident was proven to be a fabricated incident to get more union customers into the restaurant. 
  This is the restaurant. 
  It seems turnabout's fair play on that one. If union customers want to patronize the restaurant, then tea partiers can choose not to.
  But what these incidents reveal is a deeper issue.
  It exposes the deceitfulness of the left. (Where are the incidents of tea partiers doing despicable things like this, trying to trick people into believing things that aren't true to make their point.)
  And then here, in Ohio.
  In Ohio, limited numbers were allowed into the rotunda at the State House for safety purposes, as determined by the State Highway Patrol. There was a great deal of crying and complaining that it was unfair to make all those demonstrators stand outside in the cold, even though they knew it was cold when they chose to go there. If you've ever been inside the State House, you know that it's an old, compact building with limited space. Beautiful, but not the most spacious building in government.
  The following video is an Ohio legislator commenting on the behavior of the crowd while in the building
  This accusation of defecation and vandalism has caused great consternation and mockery among left wing bloggers, who claim that the act was probably done by homeless people;  the writing on the wall was simply in chalk so no harm, no foul. Respect, meh.
  The problem is that when you're dealing with people who lie and deceive to get what they want, it's hard to believe or respect their opinions.
  While on one hand, union members claim that Governor Walker should sit down and talk through the changes the unions want, the Democrats turn into fleebaggers and exit the state. 
 Somehow these union members gloated when Obama said, "Elections have consequences. I won." but they can't seem to have the same response to Nov. 2's elections, which threw them out of control in the House and many state governments.
  In Kansas, it is reported at CJonline that union members have subjected female lawmakers to sexual slurs and "degrading comments" but, hey, that's okay if we get what we want. Forget all that crap about equality and rights if opponents disagree with us on any issue.
  A gay black tea partier gets mocked, racially slurred by union members. (link to follow)
  No respect is shown for tradition, for the buildings, for government.
  Elections have consequences.
  It becomes obvious, at this point, that principles are only good when you're getting what you want. 
  What kind of principles are those? 
  This is a picture of the Wisconsin capitol building from Althouse's blog. Many more pictures there.

  Gee, I wonder if any defecating in the stairwell has gone on in that State House. Highly unlikely, eh?

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