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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Give it a rest

  The long knives are out Criticism is flowing for Governor Kasich as he has taken a stand on collective bargaining in Ohio.
  As early supporters of Kasich, we do not jump at any criticism of him lobbed by the press and left wing bloggers.
  Video has emerged of Governor Kasich criticizing a police office by using the term "idiot" as he describes an incident in which he was ticketed for not giving a stopped officer wide berth on the highway.
  To support criticism of Kasich, one website mentions the death of an officer whose death led to the passage of the law in Ohio. The mother of the deceased officer was contacted, and her comments critical of Kasich have led to an uproar in the press, as these sort of things usually do.
  It was intemperate of Kasich to have voiced his opinion the way he did.
  But let's be honest.
  The root of this criticism is union objection to HB 5.
  It really is tiresome to use the same modus operandi in trying to defeat one's opponent.
  Couldn't we do this based on legitimate political disagreement?
  Couldn't we make the argument on philosophical grounds?
  Do we HAVE to manufacture a crisis, yet another crisis, in which the perpetrator is biased/intolerant/discriminatory against some popular left wing pet peeve?
  Do we HAVE to drag out the aggrieved relative? 
  Do we HAVE to cut the video at just the right point, and then go on television, whining about the intolerance of the right, as opposed to the liberality of the left, who would work not at all, pay for everything and tolerate absolutely everything?
  Kasich has admitted that he shouldn't have called the officer who ticketed him an idiot.
  Being human, it's pretty natural to flail against the system, when caught in  regulation that requires ticketing.
  Unfortunately, this discussion is extending into the collective bargaining issue in Ohio. Use whatever you can, is the logic, to defeat your opponent.
  Kasich, as requested, apologized face to face to the officer.
  It shouldn't have happened.
  We can't wait to see how much behavior has to be erased from the web of the younger generation when they choose to run for office. They'll have to change their names.
  Meanwhile, give it a rest.
  Let's talk about the issues and let the other stuff go.
  If we can excuse Robert Byrd for being an exalted cyclops of the KKK, I think we can move beyond this.
  Doncha think?

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