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Obama countdown

Monday, February 7, 2011

Liberal hypocrisy on parade

  Over and over we see the same characteristics: liberals pass laws, issue regulations, proclaim  recommendations for the sweating masses that they themselves ignore or exempt themselves from.
  Eco hypocrisy has been on display for years, but let's look at a few other recent examples of hypocrisy:
  Chuck Schumer, another eco screamer, does not want a bicycling lane in HIS backyard.
  Michelle Obama wants to cut everyone's diet into something fruity but serves only fatty at her parties.
  Unions pay millions of dollars to pay obamacare, then apply for waivers.
  Liberals push the passage of a very unpopular health care bill, then exempt their friends. If it's so great, why are they exempting people?
  The MSM land liberals love to accuse tea partiers of violence without evidence, but then ignore the death threats and attacks on conservatives from liberals.
  The now deceased Ted Kennedy didn't want those eco friendly windmills in HIS waters. Everybody ELSE should have them, but not him.
  John Kerry claims in his most sepulchral voice that others must pay more in taxes, then skips town on paying taxes for his new boat, which he bought from workers other than American.
  This administration will not drill for oil on our shores bringing jobs and needed oil to this country, but will subsidize oil drilling in Brazil.
  This administration claims it cares about jobs but then takes every opportunity to cut jobs in every area, including oil drilling, coal mining, small business, construction, ETCETERA.

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