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Friday, September 3, 2010

Traditional values do not include bashing gays

  The issue of homosexuality in the Republican party/conservative movement (if they coincide) is evolving. Most conservatives seriously DO NOT CARE what people do privately, as long as they aren't hurting anyone. Decisions about sexual preference are, in general, between the individual and their Creator. What conservatives do NOT want to see is the gay agenda pressed on teachers to teach; schools have no right to usurp the authority of the parent.
  But Ann Coulter's decision to speak to the gay conservative movement in September has had lots of fallout, not the least of which is World Net Daily's Joseph Farah and, now, Floyd Brown, who laments that today's conservative movement is not, well, yesterday's.
  The truth is that most conservatives simply do not care what gay people do in the privacy of their homes. We don't want to see what gay people do in public, just as we don't want to see what heterosexual people do in public: eg.: PDA. Conservatives do not want to see overt PDA, nor do many conservatives want to engage in discussions about what is acceptable and what is not sexually.
  Over at Human Events is a hot discussion of this very topic. Have at it. You are free, Floyd Brown, to believe as you will. That right is respected. But the whole "gay thing" is evolving, as witnessed by the dear HillBuzz guys, who are so clearly supportive of conservative ideals and are evolving themselves to reject the liberal philosophy that is so common in the LGBT community.
  Many people lament the days when all this was private; sadly, none of it is nowadays. Yet  people are people. They make lifestyle decisions that are not acceptable morally to many of us. Still we accept them for where they are at the moment. 
The latest shock is the capitulation of Ann Coulter to LGBT activists. She has proudly announced her acceptance of a speaking engagement before a group called GOProud. This is an organization that claims to be conservative despite its advocacy of liberal social values that would make Russell Kirk blush.
Is this a shock? No, it is not. Accepting people where they are is the job of both humans and Christ. Only Christ can change the heart. 
  No one can deny that people are born with certain proclivities. What they choose to do with those proclivities is between them and their Maker.

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