Why is it modern, informed, and educated Americans really have no clue as to what ails Anthony Weiner? Maybe because too many of them read the New York Times. The congressman has taken leave from the tribulations of a demanding career which often forces him to work as much as 40 hours a week and the limelight of MSNBC television
“.... to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person,” What sort of professional treatment? A marriage counselor and a fitness trainer? Is there any such thing as a cyber sex therapist?
The congressman who friends say "has become distraught and fragile in recent days," would probably like to have a little time to himself to tie one on and try to think of what to tell Huma when she gets home. She probably won't warm to the idea of taking in ironing to help the family through dire finances due to his impending unemployment. Even Huma's mentor, Hillary Clinton, who has a wealth of personal experience in dealing with perverse behavior, probably can't imagine why a distraught and fragile congressman would go to the gym to take nude pictures of himself
“When you are this self-destructive, there is obviously something deeper going on with you,” said a Nancy Pelosi adviser who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of being seen as betraying her confidence.
Wow! Nancy Pelosi carries an analyst on her staff disguised as an advisor.
Ok this "deeper" thing that's wrong with Anthony? Is it treatable? Of course why would he waste his time on something that isn't. Is there some medical cause for the fragile congressman's behavior? Yes, of course he wouldn't be checking into to a treatment center if it wasn't medical. Will they give him drugs to make him behave? No drugs too often just treat the symptom. So he won't be taking drugs? No, he'll need therapy. And will the therapy be effective? Yes. Will it work on gays? No they're born that way? So only heterosexual behavior can be modified through medicine? Not medicine. Therapy
So Barney Frank can't help himself when he gets caught in a scandal where his boyfriend is running a prostitution ring out of his house but Anthony Weiner will be a better husband and a healthier person through medicine?
Not medicine-therapy.
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