We are sure glad to see the Congressman has stuck it out. Rather let us say we are glad to see Rep .Weiner has chose not to resign. In addition to stepping all over the Democratic slander of Rep. Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare he has given the mainstream stream media a great opportunity to show their hypocrisy. Now it looks all but certain that Weiner has been tweeting with a seventeen-year-old girl form Delaware in language fit only for NBC's "To Catch A Predator" series. Unlike the Congressman from Queens we try to maintain a modicum of decency here. So read about the honey and mustard here.
Meanwhile the New York Times is enlisting the help of its readers to pore through the 24,000 emails belonging to Sarah Palin who is accused of nothing more than being a beautiful, courageous, and smart as a fox, conservative. Below CNN's lightweight legal analyst, Jeffery Toobin explains that the Weiner episode is a "light hearted story" and that the good Congressman deserves a chance to defend himself.
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