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Friday, April 29, 2011

Unionists prepare stickers to help tea partiers identify shopping items

  So it's all over the news that union members are preparing stickers (quite nice looking little things that must have cost a pretty penny to produce) to slap on products they've decided need to be banned. Why? Because their companies' owners donated to the Walker campaign. Just as many unionists have threatened to kill politicians they didn't like, threatened to boycott people who wouldn't do what they want, the unionists do not like the manufacturers of Sargento foods and Johnsonville Sausage.
  An appropriate response to this bullying tactic, oddly reminiscent of the kind of behavior the government eschews in schoolhouses, would be to support the bullied.
  Don't you think?
  Wisconsinites, get out there and buy everything you can find with one of those stupid stickers on it. 
  So look for the union label, tea partiers, and BUY up all those products rather than boycott them!
  Your mission, Wisconsin tea partiers, is clear!


  1. I've long thought the Tea Party should do something similiar. Nothing so puerile as a boycott but rather taking over companies that side with the libs.If one million Tea Partyers would purchase 100 shares of stock of an offending company, fire the management and install mainstream leadership and then move on he next take over corporations would probably be a little more circumspect in the policies they espouse. Boycotts only work if the corporation deals in consumer goods or services but a hostile take over of an offending where management is cashiered out with no parachutes would be real eye opener. Once the company is rehabilitated the investors would slowly sell their shares and move on to the next target.

  2. Hmmmmm. This is very interesting and an excellent idea. I wonder where I could pass it around....hmmmm.

  3. We should have done it when GE was $4. per share, fired Immelt and made Rick Santelli head of NBC news.
