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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Morning roundup-April 13

  What the heck is up with the two faces Democrats are showing these days? Pelosi suddenly believes elections shouldn't matter and we should all just get along and we all think the same thing anyway. Huh? Is she crazy? What happened to "I won!" and "We don't have to listen to you Tea Partiers?"
  And Obama's got religion about raising the debt ceiling, the opposite of what he felt when he wasn't in office? And Steny Hoyer, who once admitted he's a politician therefore he lies, is also having a change of heart about the debt ceiling? The Daily Caller:

The number two Democrat in the House, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, who called Republican efforts to raise the debt ceiling “immoral” when he voted against it in 2004, is the latest to apologize for his position on the issue. During a briefing with reporters Tuesday morning, Hoyer said his nay vote seven years ago was a “mistake.”
“Let me be the first to observe that I have voted against the debt limit in the past. That was a mistake.,” Hoyer said. “The point we were trying to make when we voted against the debt limit was that cutting revenues, ie. taxes, on a regular basis and then increasing spending was a policy that inevitably led to debt.
  And now everyone's freaking out because they found out (earlier than the evil stuff they found out about the health care debacle) Obama prevaricated about the actual "cuts" that he agreed to with the budget deal.
  And they should be surprised?
  I have one answer for those who are outraged.
  You knew I was a snake when you put me in your pocket.
  One of my fondest memories of elementary school was the treat of cold chocolate milk that the cafeteria workers brought around to our classes before our naps on the floormats. White milk was 2 cents and chocolate was 3, but I bought chocolate every day. I can still remember the delicious taste of that chill treat mixed with the taste of the wax carton.
  Though I haven't had chocolate milk in many years, I have one word for Michelle: GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE CHOCOLATE MILK.
  This is actually a hot story.
  Now, of course, I know everyone's been enjoying a little fun at the expense of the moonbats, but I can't resist.
  It seems the *indigenous peoples* of Bolivia want to give bugs the right to, um, vote, or something. 
  The UN is supportive of this new idea and therefore may also adopt the new philosophy. Why? Because the global warming moonbats haven't succeeded in confiscating Americans' income through that lame argument, so they're going to latch on to our income this way. You know, the whole "You're hurting the trees so we're going to make you pay a fee because my trees can't breathe." elucidates us regarding the new arm of the law regarding the complaints of Mother Earth, all in the name of "balance" and "fairness," y'all:

It also establishes a Ministry of Mother Earth, and provides the planet with an ombudsman whose job is to hear nature's complaints as voiced by activist and other groups, including the state.
"If you want to have balance, and you think that the only (entities) who have rights are humans or companies, then how can you reach balance?" Pablo Salon, Bolivia's ambassador to the UN, told Postmedia News. "But if you recognize that nature too has rights, and (if you provide) legal forms to protect and preserve those rights, then you can achieve balance."
  So to provide balance, let's revisit this old video and enjoy a laugh at the expense of all the moonbats in the world. Boy, have they got control of the Democrat party these days:

  Hahaha! Wudn't that great, laughing at the emotionally ill? What a great way to start the day!  Booyah!
  And, thank you, Sugar Ray, for not crying when you were booted.
  You're a real man.

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