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Monday, July 11, 2011

Pawlenty of Nerve

Tim Pawlenty made a funny joke. He combined Obama with Romney to come up with the clever construction "
ObamneyCare" When John King, hosting the CNN debate, gave Pawlenty a chance to repeat his witticism to Romney he pulled his punch. Yes, the former hockey who tells us he will throw an elbow thought better of mixing it up with Romney. With his political fortune sinking, Pawlenty delivered a rabbit punch to Michele Bachmann, maybe thinking girls don't hit back. Pawlenty has called Michele Bachmann's congressional record as "nonexistent".

"With all due respect, she just doesn't have that kind of experience, and secondly her record in Congress ... is again, great remarks and great speeches, but in terms of results and accomplishments, nonexistent. I don't think it's a disputable point that we should have somebody in the Oval Office who has executive experience."

Congresswoman Bachmann has been in Congress now for about five years-four of those years she spent as a member of the minority party. When Nancy Pelosi was Speaker Republicans were hardly allowed in the door let alone given an opportunity to enact legislation. What legislation carries the name of Boehner, Cantor, McCarthy, Pelosi, Hoyer or Wasserman-Schultz? In the dark days of 2008 as the bailout debate raged Michele Bachmann remained calm and true to her principles. She bucked her President and she bucked the Republican House leadership. As governor of Minnesota Tim Pawlenty signed legislation enabling "green energy" projects and sharia law compliant housing programs. Maybe Pawlenty's backbone is nonexistent.


  1. There must be 1/2 dozen youtubes of Bachmann during the 2008 meltdown. She has the most consistant record of any republican in the field.

  2. I'm still recovering from your "Bees" allusion, with which I was unfamiliar. Nyuk nyuk.
