Neither Gallop nor Rasmussen have ever polled the Somali pirates on the subject of global warming but apparantly there pretty hostile to the idea. Climate scientists have asked the US Navy for protection from the deniers while they deploy their robotic buoys. The United States Navy, that hallowed institution of John Paul Jones and Chester Nimitz, has turned to the online gaming community for help.
The Massive Multiplayer Online Wargame Leveraging the Internet (MMOWGLI) exercise will gather more than 1,000 players into a three-week scenario where they’ll deal with the complex nature of a changing and evolving threat. Using a program called Gameplay the Navy hopes to develop new statagies to deal with the Somali pirates.
Last year, after issuing several high level complaints about "imperfections" in international law, Russia announced that captured Somali pirates "have all died." Lacking a defense budget that allows the US Army the resources to maintain a whole office dedicated to computer gaming, the Russians proclaimed, "We'll have to do what our forefathers did when they met the pirates". C'est la guerre!
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