Speaker John Boehner has told rank and file GOP congressmen to be alert for a deal by 2 PM Sunday. The deal will be the product of House negotiations with the White House excluded from participation. Boehner must believe that he and the leadership of both congressional parties can work out a deal that they can live with and the President be damned. One would expect a short term, stop gap, deal that included the things that Vice President Joe Biden had agreed to in his negotiations with GOP leadership. Such a deal would probably be enough for the government to continue operating for another 6 months; a deal Obama has promised to veto before waffling. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have voiced support of a congressional solution to the debt ceiling impasse. Stay tuned and enjoy the drama.
I dunno. *AS I SAID ON TWITTER,* I feel like the whole Nancy Pelosi is ready to make a deal was a smokescreen to provide for Obama to claim they've all been ready to deal and Repubs are the ones hanging back.
ReplyDeleteSo far, I'm satisfied with Boehner. I keep worrying he's going to fold but he's doing okay. I'm good with that.
Do you really think the parties will settle, after *The Prince's* scene yesterday?
Harry and Nancy support the idea of a congressional solution because they think Obama has sold them out. They support the process but i doubt if they will like the outcome. GOP is not counting on their support. If it passes the House the ball is in Harry and Obama's court. Probably most Republican will support just to have this fight again before the election.