Even in the best of times there are limits to what the US economy can do. One would never know this if one listened only to the left who actually have more faith in the private sector than do conservatives. All things are possible if only the proper mandates are in place. The latest manifestation of this confidence are the fuel efficiency mandates issued just this week. There are the costs that accompany Obamacare. Add in the additional costs of compliance to OSHA, Disability Act, Family Leave, and a host of other regulations that are industry specific. Then add in the still murky uncertainty of of Dodd-Frank the economy begins to wane. Enter then the job killing shock troops of the EPA and the NLRB deliver the coup de gras.
And the results are:
- Merk cuts 13,000 jobs.
- Cisco cuts 6,500 jobs.
- Borders cuts 11,000 jobs.
- Boston Scientific cuts 1,400 jobs.
- Goldman Sachs cuts 1,000 jobs.
- General Electric announces it will move its X-ray division to China. This is the same GE that was classified as a bank so it could participate in the TARP bailout and borrow from the Fed window at 0% interest, that has extracted billions from the Obama administration in "green energy" subsidies, that paid $0 income taxes in 2010 and whose CEO, Jeffery Immelt serves as chairman of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.
As yesterday's GDP numbers attest, (2nd quarter GDP growth 1.3%) these are not the best of times. Job losses are expected in the beginning of a recession but not during the recovery phase. The business environment is so bad that business simply can not produce jobs. This is more than bad policy this is a moral disgrace. When millions of American workers are deliberately unemployed by an effete and idle intellectual class patience ceases to be a virtue. When even a government owned auto company must invest in Mexico rather than in the United State, as did GM, putting profits for the UAW above the good whole country then the business climate is too hostile for an economy to grow.
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