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Monday, December 13, 2010

Huffpo: you're classist if you wash your hands in a cholera stricken country

UPDATE: Apparently the NY Daily News has its own deranged take on Palin's trip to Haiti, regardless of the fact that Samaritan's Purse is active worldwide in helping people in distress and that 88% of the money raised goes to actual distribution to the poor and when other "celebrities" visit Haiti, it's called "helping or "shining a light" on the poverty and crisis. Jammie has the goods on the New York Daily News.
 We went from Bush Derangement Syndrome to Palin Derangement Syndrome. Weasel Zippers has the pictures and story from Haiti, as Palin works with Franklin Graham in the cholera stricken country. 
  Huffington Post freaked out when they spotted a picture of someone adjusting Palin's knot of hair, assumed it was a "stylist," and posted an entire story about it. Same with The Daily Mail in London. Problem is...the "stylist" is....her daughter, Bristol. The writer is "revolted" by her caring about what she looked like; he's had to clarify that it was Bristol was the "stylist," much to his humiliation, as he quickly shifts blame to the AP. In addition, the writer Shaw seems to be equally freaked that she washes her hands frequently, indicating, um, racism, or classism, or something.
  Can you imagine. Visiting a cholera stricken country and DARING to wash your hands. Frequently. 
  And the expression on Palin's face is fodder for criticism too....."wearing far-less-than-compassionate expressions".....
  Also at Free Republic, which is where the truth of the story started, actually.
  Kevin at Hillbuzz notes that the AP points out that Palin is wearing cargo pants, a t shirt and designer sunglasses, as if that were something extraordinary for Palin, who wears the glasses everywhere, was being insensitive for wearing designer sunglasses in a poverty stricken country where the people are so devastated like Haiti.
  Between the morons who are so ignorant of C.S. Lewis that they think that Palin is a dimwit because she finds spiritual significance in his writing (ha!)
  Cubachi makes the point that the goal of this kind of snarkiness is to make Palin look like a diva, notwithstanding the obvious conflict of Michelle Obama wearing expensive clothes and accessories to dish up food for the poor, which has happened numerous times:

However, when Michelle Obama wears $540 sneakers to feed the homeless, the MSM is quick to defend her fashion choice, because she needs something comfortable to wear… while walking the dog.
Via Newsbusters reporting on the NY Daily News:
They’re shoes,” the First Lady’s reps sniffed when curious reporters inquired about the fancy footwear.
  As always, the press tries to play up the "disconnectedness" of Republicans/conservatives but downplay the wealth and extravagance of liberals. 

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