Morning roundup of a stressful week
It appears the boozing sanitation workers' video was mysteriously taped over. NY Post.
Very disturbing the last couple days is the story of the teenagers who decided to flash mob a department store, stealing and vandalizing the mall. This may be a devilish idea inspired by the beautiful Hallelujah chorus flash mobs before Christmas.
We already have the anarchists flying around the world trashing England, Canada and whatever site they decide is too capitalistic.
Now we have Francis Piven of Cloward Piven fame encouraging the use of violence to achieve their ends. Though Glenn Beck sometimes sounds paranoid, these tapes don't lie.
The words are their own. Extreme progressives are encouraging the use of violence. Piven from Radosh at Pajamas Media:
What is needed, she suggests, are “mass protests” that might influence Obama and press “him hard from his base.” To do that, however, she notes that they have to get past the many obstructions to mobilize the unemployed. This is especially the case that the unions today “do little for their unemployed,” who don’t pay dues and “are likely to be malcontents.”
Am I exaggerating? Here's a repeat from an article below and from The Blaze:
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