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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Non-partisan partisanship

  In a bid to increase attendance at Jon Stewart's "non-political" rally in D.C. The One will appear on his show, once again revealing a stunning naivete regarding public tolerance of his many and numerous intrusions into our daily lives. Read at ABC.
  Over at the NY TImes, it is revealed that the "non-partisan" NPR, which also just accepted a great deal of money from George Soros to establish a group of "non-partisan" journalists, has fired Juan Williams for admitting on camera that he gets nervous when he sees people in Muslim garb getting ready to board a plane with him. Apparently you are only allowed to think things like this, but not actually say things like this because, you know, NPR, which receives a great deal of taxpayer money, is "non-political." So the "non-political" Soros can get a foothold at NPR, but the "partisan" Juan Williams cannot work there because he, um, tells the truth.
  Over at Gateway Pundit, you can read a rundown on the latest "scandal" written up by the "non-partisan" AP/Yahoo group touting Joe Miller's security team as "extreme" and "militia" connected. Of course, the word extreme is relative to who's reporting it, and as Gateway Pundit points out, the "non-partisan" AP/Yahoo is taking reports from the highly partisan left wing blogs now.
  If California, New York, Massachusetts, Illinois--all bankrupt states run by corrupt officials--elect the same kind of people to office over and over and over, they deserve exactly what they get. Pity the conservatives who live in those states. 
  Illinois hand delivers ballots to prisoners but won't mail them out to the military. Yeah, that's Obama's home turf. Let's do things nationally the way they do it in Illinois, as socialist Jan Schakowsky suggests:
  Do we trust the polls? Who knows. The truth is the 24/7 news cycles need the competition to keep people interested in the last two weeks. Seeking the truth.
  Is it possible, could it be true that very soon the democrat party will only exist on the coasts after this election? That would explain why they're trying to bypass the electoral college:

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