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Monday, October 25, 2010

The Intolerance of the Left

  A primary example of Leftist intolerance is the firing of Juan Williams, who is well liked by many FNC viewers, both left and right. For some reason, even the odious Bob Beckel and Alan Colmes have at times appeared to be almost human in their verbal panel exchanges. That affection coming from the right is probably why NPR felt compelled to fire him.
  Now, it is significant to note some of the other rather nasty things NPR has allowed its commentators to say with impunity. Not surprisingly, all the nasty things have been directed at conservatives, the right and Republicans. Here's one from Newsmax:
In December 1995, Codrescu said of the evangelical belief of the Rapture, in which Christ's faithful would miraculously ascend from the earth before the Second Coming: "The evaporation of 4 million who believe this crap would leave the world an instantly better place."
  By now, you've probably heard some of the other comments, including Nina Totenberg's remark that she hoped Jesse Helms or his grandchild would die of AIDS, if there is a God. There's more here, but you get the drift.
  In fact, NPR thought it was really funny to have someone create a cartoon called "Learn to Speak Teabag," which mocked, of course, tea partiers. Pretty much everyone knows by now the origin of the word "teabag" which was made mainstream by the likes of Anderson Cooper in a smirking interview. This animation remained on their website for well over a year. You can see it here:
  Now you might think that the Right is intolerant because of the constant ridicule and condemnation from the left.
  But even some folks in the gay community disagree with this assertion. Hillbuzz has a great article about this regarding hateful behavior from the left toward gay conservatives:
The Left, on the other hand, threatens violence when they find out you are conservative.  They get up in your face to intimidate you for being gay and daring to step out of line with whatever the DNC is issuing as talking points that day.  They don’t want you to think for yourselves or vote in your own economic best interests because the identity-blocs the Democrats are based upon require you to identity-vote Democrat your entire life if you are gay.  No questions ever asked, no individual thought allowed.  The punishments are harsh for stepping outside the approved circle of thought.  You are ostracized, personally attacked, and subjected to intense bullying.
  In fact, Hillbuzz boys say, the Right tends to be much more tolerant, offering prayers that they will change their lifestyles. That is not to say that the Right doesn't have issues with gays; certainly no conservatives wants their children indoctrinated concerning the homosexual agenda. Neither, however, do reasonable gays want to do that.
  Hillbuzz points to the Tammy Bruce article regarding the same issue. You may have seen Tammy on FNC as a commentator. She is former liberal lesbian (only former on the liberal part) who was at one time a NOW director in Los Angeles. Here's a smidgen from Tammy's article on the intolerance of the left from the UK Guardian:
Having made my point, I trust, I'll now slip out of my snark suit and share a little secret with you. The real story of bigotry and intolerance is the fact that it lives and thrives on the left. As a gay woman who spent most of her adult life pushing the cart for liberal causes with liberal friends in a liberal city, I found that sexism, racism and homophobia are staples in the liberal world. The huge irony is liberals spend every ounce of energy promoting the notion that they are the banner carriers of individualism and personal freedom, yet the hammer comes down on anyone who dares not to conform to, or who dissents even in part from, the liberal agenda.
  And who sets the tone for this? Oh, the intolerant behavior of the left has been around for decades. Just mention you listen to Rush or watch FNC in a group of liberals and watch what happens, if you can stand it. 
  The person who COULD set the tone for tolerance is our current occupant of the White House. Yet how does he behave? This is his latest statement from The Hill:
"And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's gonna be harder — and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2," he said. 
  Got that? Punish our enemies. That would be Americans who disagree with The One.
  His angry rhetoric and calls for punishment aren't unusual. In fact, they're standard protocol. Links at Gateway Pundit:

Barack Obama gave his marching orders: 
** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun” 
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!” 
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard” 
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“ 
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat“ 
  In fact, the wish for suffering among the right isn't unusual for leftists. Gateway Pundit has a further rundown.
  Just Google "intolerance on the left" and see what comes up.
  It ain't pretty. Here's another example:
  Yet we know all this. Those of us who study have seen it over and over.
  Conservatives need to be a little more intolerant of the left's intolerance.
  That includes anyone who uses the term "teabagger" to refer to tea partiers anymore.

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