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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

An interesting supposition

Hillbuzz wonders why democrats are encouraging their younger followers to talk trash around the web, particularly with regard to women. It IS interesting that the Obama campaign/administration is so utterly falling apart and being exposed for the creaky, decayed diseased operation that it is. Thus all the negativity that is pouring out of campaign/administration these days is a natural outcome of the original campaign which preached hope and change. Remember the ostentatious Greek Columns? Remember the sweeping generalizations with no specifics? Remember that promise that he would turn back the oceans and the earth would heal itself? Over at Hillbuzz:
I wonder if Democrats are going to pay a hefty price in the coming years by encouraging so many of their politically-active young people to become internet trolls instead of developing positive, persuasive campaign abilities.  Beginning with the Obama 2008 campaign, these people came into political activism first to call Hillary Clinton a c, w, and b-word because she stood in Obama’s way to the nomination.  Then, these people spent day and night calling Governor Palin these pejoratives during the general election…and have been using their time online to keep the attacks up ever since.  When other conservative women step into the arena, they get the same troll treatment.  It is the only thing these Democrats now know how to do in a political campaign: take to the internet, find positive articles about conservatives, and then call those people vile names.

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