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Obama countdown

Monday, August 9, 2010

Another shovel ready excuse--this time Michelle

  So the reason she went to Spain is that the daughter of a dear friend of hers was promised to go to Spain and Michelle, best friend, loyal buddy she is, wanted to honor her friend's request because the friend had lost her father recently and they were oh, so tight, so this was the reason Michelle spent at least $75,000 a day of taxpayer money to go to Spain and we're sure Michelle paid for everything personal. Oh, we're sure of that. Oh, yeah! So any misinterpretation you, the taxpayer, may be under about why and how that money was spent needs to be immediately wiped from your mind. This is the real story. (Picture the news conference in the Rose Garden and the Queen flanked by multi-racial children, people in wheelchairs, at least one individual wearing a white physician's coat, and throw in a couple criminals whose records we'll find out about later.)
  Let the hooting begin.
 Truly the most hard hearted commentary on this situation can be found over at Ace of Spades:
Top Ten Activities To Honor Friend's Departed Father At Michelle Obama's Five-Star Funeral Jam
10. Barbecued shrimp slightly al dente out of respect for the dead
9. When snorkeling, bereavers hold their heads upside-down so brilliantly-colored coral fish appear to be wearing sad face frowns instead of happy face smiles
8. Commemorative Jet-Skiing
7. Morning's mani-pedi group outing begun by reading of appropriate Psalm, and then reading of a random cartoon fromMarmaduke: The Classics, because you can't start your day off too heavy on the Spanish Riviera

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