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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

These Republicans make me sick

I make no secret that I support Senator Mitch McConnell against faux Tea Party candidate Matt Bevin. I am not now nor have I ever been a fan of Mitch McConnell but I distrust his challenger. Up until today it would be fair to describe McConnell as a conventional politician but today McConnell is unique. He is the only leader of either party who has not flipped off the American people. I admit that this is pragmatism over principle but the result is the same and at some later date expect his supporters to trumpet the fact that when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Boehner, and Eric Cantor tried to pull the country into another no win middle eastern war McConnell alone dissented. It is not the McConnell is so great; the other actors are so small. I'll let the Democrats deal with Obama and Pelosi and Reid. This is the first time in my memory both parties have lined up against the voters and some in Washington are going to pay dearly for that offense.
One can partially excuse Pelosi and Reid for their chauvinism and that is what it is. Nicolas Chauvin was a French soldier, maybe more fictional than real, wounded 17 times in the Napoleonic wars and known for his extreme loyalty to Napoleon. It would be an understatement to say that Pelosi and Reid follow Obama blindly. John Boehner and Eric Cantor were among the first of either party to announce their support of Obama's military strike on Syria. They did so without consulting members of their own party who overwhelming oppose Syrian intervention. Rumor has it Boehner finds he needs to spend more time at home and will step down in 2014. Cantor will not be the next Speaker. He won't even be the next majority leader. When the leadership of a party stands for nothing what does that say about the party? It says the national Republican Party does not give a damn what the voters think. It's loyalty is not to country and not to principle. It's not even loyalty. It's lust, lust for power and lust for office and you, dear voter, can go to hell.
Just to drive that point home, on the eve of the Benghazi attack Jeb Bush presented to Hillary Clinton the 2013 Liberty Medal, saying it’s part of a shared interest in the “importance of civic engagement.” Really! What about the moral and legal engagements one is supposed to exercise when one holds a position of public trust? The public be damned! Neither Bush nor Clinton can see the irony here? Four people are killed and they pin a medal on the person responsible on the first anniversary of the event. The word for that used to be sacrilege.
Both political parties have done themselves grave and maybe lasting harm. The trouble is when both parties do it they can usually get away with it but that won't translate in to a get out of jail free card for all come the 2014 elections. One possible victim may be the very noticeable and obnoxious Senator Lindsey Graham. He received just 42 percent of support from likely South Carolina GOP voters in an August 25 poll of 500 likely GOP voters conducted by Landmark Communications. He faces three challengers but should he not reach 50% in the primary he will face a run off with the second place finisher, currently state Senator Lee Bright. The future is Bright?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. What boggles my mind is that Republicans appear to be completely aware that there is MORE anger directed at them than Democrats, at this point, not only for the reasons you have listed but because they are simply unwilling to articulate reasons for conservative principles. Where are they? Why do they not speak? All they do is run out in front of the cameras and present their Democrat Light plan for whatever tax or new regulation Leftists are flacking. Well, good luck with that. I don't think the result will be like the 2012 election where Republicans stayed home. I think a great deal of these guys will be voted out of office.
