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Friday, September 9, 2011

Supercommittee protest timed with POTUS's call for more govt jobs?

  So all the goodies that Obama has pledged in the latest speech pinata are to be paid for by asking the "supercommittee to find another $400 billion or so in new taxes and spending."
  Even tiny cuts in increases are protested vociferously by leftists but now POTUS calls for more increases and cuts. 
  But put this in combination with the attempted intimidation of the supercommittee's first meeting yesterday. From Roll Call:  

About 15 protesters screamed, “What do we want? Jobs. When do we need them? Now,” as staffers scrambled to shut the committee room doors. However, television cables were in the way, preventing the doors from being closed.
A spokeswoman for the progressive, anti-war group CodePink confirmed that the organization helped stage the protest, alongside another group, OurDC, whose mission statement according to its website is “bringing good jobs to the District.”
  Is it too much to be suspicious that the same day POTUS calls for the supercommittee to make cuts and raise taxes a hitherto unheard of group, OurDC, staged a noisy protest in front of the supercommittee's first meeting?
  Would it be too much to wonder about the timing? That the OurDC group is screaming for "new jobs" hardly means they want small businesses to hire but rather for the government to hire?

  Put this in combination, also with the White House's invitation to Trumka last night to sit with FLOTUS on the same day that longshoremen take captive guards and vandalize a port:
Earlier this morning 500 or so members of the AFL-CIO stormed a port in Washington, vandalized the facility, reportedly cut the brake lines of train cars, and held six guards hostage. Shockingly, no one was arrested. Earlier that week a judge issued a restraining order against this same group after they clashed with police while brandishing bats and issuing death threats. Nineteen people were arrested for misdemeanors.
  The timing is certainly remarkable. The fact that POTUS's major contribution to the work force was as a community activist is remarkable.
  Considering the long strings between POTUS, ACORN and thousands of leftist protest groups who mooch from the government teat it is not a far stretch to imagine that some coordination is going on between the White House and activist groups meant to shape policy and influence the opposition.
  If true, it would certainly be beneath the office of the president of the United States.

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