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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is Obama Depressed?

The rumor of Obama's depression was first introduced by Ulsterman's White House Insider more than a year ago. Now Gawker writes that the New York Times is working on a story on just that subject. The contention is Obama is not just blue about his reelection possibilities but
clinically depressed, the sort of ailment that used to be treated with Thorazine before the generation of atypical anti psychotics were developed. Maybe it's just LowT. Maybe there is no illness whatsoever. The Times refuses to comment on the story, stating that as a matter of policy it never comments on stories it has yet to publish. The media can always produce an expert to diagnose any public figure with any malady that suit their purposes so the test here would have to be something more than Dr. Phil telling us old Barack has slipped a cog.

Never taking any thing at face value, I'm prompted to ask why the Times would want to make the assertion that Obama is not up to the job. Surely even the Times would not want to force Obama to step aside under the rules of the twenty-fifth amendment and put Biden in the cat bird's seat. Maybe the Times just wants to see if this is enough to get them noticed on Attack Watch.

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