Who would have thought the German people would tire of picking up the tab for bailing out the rest of Europe. While Germans work until they are 67 they have been honored with paying for the bailout of Greece where until recently they retired at 58. As the threat of financial collapse has spread across southern Europe chancellor Angela Merkel has sought to prop up the weaker members of the Eurozone with loans to maintain a life of entitlements Germans can't afford. Yesterday Germany saw its first protest. Though only about 100 or so Germans participated Merkel should remember the Tea Party started out small too.
For the last two years European finance ministers have held conferences in five star locations from which they preached the virtue of austerity. Germans may not follow up their protests but one might expect them to become less not more tolerant of their government's largess to foreigners. Eventually if Greece doesn't leave the Eurozone Germany will. More
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