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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cain wins another poll

  A IBOPE Zogby poll shocker says this about the Republican candidates:
Rick Perry has tumbled by more than 20 percentage points over the past month among Republican presidential primary voters and is now second to Herman Cain, who leads the field with 28%.
If the Republican primary for President were held today, for whom would you vote?
Sept 26
Sept 12
Aug 29
July 25
July 11
June 30
June 21
Herman Cain
Rick Perry
Mitt Romney

  It looks like those racist Republicans are turning to a little class warfare themselves, as they appear at this moment to be rejecting standard issue elite Republicans' recommendations regarding who should be the next president. 
  Rush has mentioned several times that establishment Republicans, those Kevin DuJan calls "cocktail party Republicans" and  are disturbed to be thus named, don't want to reduce the size of government at all. They like the power and size of government just as it is. 
  They just want their turn at the cash register.
  Now that Herman Cain has emerged as a possible upper tier candidate, undoubtedly the long knives will come out for him: whispers about his cancer, turmoil over his Muslim oath of allegiance claim, rumors that his "inexperience" might cause trouble for the country, as if who we have now isn't more trouble than any preceding POTUS.
  This same poll shows Obama's support improving among his base, something the poll claims is being "shored up." This was movement from 39% to 42%, due, the poll claims, possibly to POTUS's increasingly divisive, angry heated rhetoric:
Our results may indicate Obamas jobs program and a more combative tone toward Republicans is beginning to shore up his support with the party base.
  Of course, the jobs bill ("Pass this bill! Pass this bill!) has not YET been delivered to Congress because no Democrat wants his/ her name on it, POTUS never intended it to pass, and it's no way no how paid for anyway. 
  John Zogby's polls have proven to be fairly accurate over time; he is a Democrat but calls his polling group non partisan.
  The gaffes Cain has made so far have been inexperienced, non politician type gaffes. Many political analysts are crowing over Romney's debate performances, but debate is not a requisite for governing a country.
  And he's been running for president for 5 years. SHOULDN'T he be by now?
  Wouldn't it be interesting if Herman Cain could pull this one out.

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