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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Obama on jobs: "coolless"

  As talk of printing more stimulus money, some as much as $1 trillion, is in the air as the solution for the economic malaise in which the country suffers, arguments grow over the efficacy of doing that because the previous was so ineffective. It is thought that $5 trillion has been printed during Obama's tenure though it is difficult to track this information down. 
  This video depicts the differences in philosophy between Hayek and Keynes.

  Whalen, a job creator, has a column today at the Washington Times:
I think John Maynard Keynes would be horrified at the slavish adherence to this simplistic strategy by so many policymakers and economic thinkers, as his theory was much more complex. This thinking might be correct under circumstances other than those in which we find ourselves. If the ratio of our national debt to gross domestic product was low - say 25 percent - and the federal government had run surpluses before the downturn, this college freshman-level Keynesian analysis would have great weight. Put another way, if Uncle Sam were a rock-solid financial entity with low debt to value and he had judiciously used debt for capital improvements that were accretive in value, as the biggest dog on the porch, a stimulus might work. 
But with a national debt of more than $14 trillion and unfunded, future “off the books” debt of Social Security and Medicare combined at $104 trillion in present value, according to the Dallas Federal Reserve, Uncle Sam ain’t the man he used to be... 
  He goes on to describe the effect that extreme 101 Keynes has on the economy and the job producers.
  When President Obama was running for office and then first elected, many of his followers considered him "cool."
  Gradually we have begun to see that he is "clueless" when it comes to getting along with others and economic measures.
  Thus "cool" + "clueless" has come to = "coolless."

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