I have posted here before that Jackie Walorski is one of the most popular Tea Party candidates in Indiana. The South Bend native ran a great race losing to Joe Donnelly 48 to 47 percent. Now Donnelly is gone, running for Senate and she has raised $428,776 with $365,786 of that coming from individual contributions. In his Senate race Donnelly has raised just $1,175,536 which is pretty meager for a statewide race but better than the man who claims to be, when the occasion suits him, the Tea Party Senate candidate Richard Mourdock who has only raised $904,084 despite the publicity given to him by Red State and the Post's Jennifer Rubin blog and dumping $100,000 of his own money down this rat hole.
Compare candidate Walorski to Congressman Dennis Kucinich who after serving 11 terms in Congress managed to raise $433,83.
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